2003 大可意念於設計產業首例成立材料感知實驗室,為台灣設計材料研究開端.
2003 大可意念首獲台灣傳統產業第一個德國iF獎紀錄
2006 德國iF成立56年來,及迄今54年歷史的德國RedDot、創辦30年美國IDEA﹔近60餘國家近千人的比賽,謝榮雅總監創下台灣工業史紀錄,單一設計公司型態首次獲三項金獎榮耀。也創下台灣工業設計史紀錄,也讓台灣在國際設計地位改寫歷史。
2006 承上述,同年Business Week 七月的雜誌報導!故行政院首例頒發「國家設計獎」特殊貢獻獎。
2006 同年德國iF. RedDot得獎作品- 似水年華圍籬,受邀美國.新加坡政府,來電邀約將俟水年華圍籬作品,於其國家立法使用。
2007 德國iF成立近50幾年來,iF總裁兼主席Jeff Ravencraft說,大可意念一個公司的iF得獎數,相當於一個國家,還於2007年特地來台參訪大可意念,並於同年於台北設立iF台北分公司。
2008 台灣共獲5座Reddot金獎,其中單一設計公司大可意念獨拿雙冠首獎Reddot-best of the best,亦為亞洲首獲Reddot雙冠金獎紀錄;更為全球少見紀錄,其獎也創下台灣法人單位首例雙金獎紀錄。
2009 大可意念再獲7座德國iF 獎項,於德國iF網站得獎排名記錄: 2007年大可意念為亞洲排名第一設計公司,於全球排名為第五設計公司.(若累積國際四大獎計算則為全球得獎最多單一設計公司)
2009 美國最大財經媒體NBC,特地請CNBC亞洲台來台採訪大可意念與工研院.
2011 創辦奇想創造事業,同年獲得德國iF. RedDot. 美國IDEA 三金獎,締造亞洲設計師團隊同一年獲得三金獎之殊榮,亦為二度奪得三金獎。(第一次為2006年三金獎)
歷年國際設計獎紀錄: 85 (含7項國際設計獎金獎.2項國際設計獎銀獎紀錄)
2003 iF Product Design Award MS 2400 Baby Scale
2004 G-mark Design Award Apacer Handy Steno HT 203 Flash Drive
2004 G-mark Design Award Wrench
2005 iF Product Design Award VAM Violin Dry Box
2005 iF Material Award Spiral Galaxy Multifunctional Container
2005 iF Material Award Wrench
2005 iF Material Award Titanium Fabric
2005 G-mark Design Award Tension Flash Drive
2005 G-mark Design Award VAM Dry Box
2005 G-mark Design Award Minimo Flash Drive
2005 G-mark Design Award Luxo Bicycle Light
2005 Reddot Design Award VAM Violin Dry Box
2005 Reddot Design Award VAM Dry Box
2005 Reddot Design Award Tension Flash Drive
2005 Reddot Design Concept Award Solar Power Vest
2006 iF Product Design Award VAM Dry Box
2006 iF Product Design Award Golden Luxo Bicycle Light
2006 iF Product Design Award Star Field Led
2006 iF Product Design Award Wind-Power Bicycle Lamp
2006 iF Product Design Award Life-saving Green Laser
2006 iF Product Design Award MS36 Baby Scale
2006 iF Product Design Award Construction Fence
2006 iF Product Design Award Tai-Chi Ball Toy
2006 iF Product Design Award Rainbow River Stone Toy
2006 iF Product Design Award Putt Putt Balance Board Toy
2006 Reddot Design Award Best of the best Wind-Power Bicycle Lamp
2006 Reddot Design Award 007 Flash Drive
2006 Reddot Design Award Leather Flash Drive
2006 Reddot Design Award Construction Fence
2006 Reddot Design Award Luxo Bicycle Light
2006 Reddot Design Award SuperSlim External DVD Player
2006 G-mark Design Award Wind-Power Bicycle Lamp
2006 G-mark Design Award Putt Putt Balance Board Toy
2006 G-mark Design Award Rainbow River Stone Toy
2006 IDEA(Industrial Design Excellence )Awards Gold Winner Construction Fence
2007 iF Product Design Award I-111 Bicycle Light
2007 iF Product Design Award Corcel
2007 Reddot Design Award Tai-Chi Ball Toy
2007 Reddot Design Award Putt Putt Balance Board Toy
2007 Reddot Design Award Dolphin Swimmer MP3player Hi-resolution
2007 G-mark Design Award Dolphin Swimmer MP3player Hi-resolution
2008 iF Product Design Award Bubble Infant Scale
2008 iF Product Design Award Air Cushioned Infant Scale
2008 iF Product Design Award Paper Scale
2008 iF Product Design Award Handy Bean–The Easy Grip for Bags
2008 iF Product Design Award RGB Flashlight
2008 iF Product Design Award Far-Infrared Heater
2008 iF Product Design Award BIODr. Mouse Pad
2008 iF Product Design Award Ball Block
2008 iF Product Design Award RIBBON
2008 iF Product Design Award Dolphin Swimmer MP3player Hi-resolution
2008 iF Product Design Award Wavy Tactile Path Lernspielzeug
2008 Reddot Design Award Best of the best Air Cushioned Infant Scale
2008 Reddot Design Award Fire Hydrant with Fluid-Driving Lighting
2008 Reddot Design Award Ceiling Sprinkler with Fluid-Driving Lighting
2008 Reddot Design Award Wavy Tactile Path Lernspielzeug
2008 IDEA Design Award Silver Luxo Bicycle Light
2008 IDEA(Industrial Design Excellence )Awards I-111 Bicycle Light
2009 iF Product Design Award Open Stretch Glove Design
2009 iF Product Design Award Tone Saver
2009 iF Product Design Award Waving Cooling Pad
2009 iF Product Design Award Pocket Size Media Player Projector
2009 iF Product Design Award Digital Directional Horn
2009 iF Product Design Award Ceiling Sprinkler with Fluid-Driving Lighting
2009 iF Product Design Award Fire Hydrant with Fluid-Driving Lighting
2009 Reddot Design Award Waving Cooling Pad
2009 Reddot Design Award Pocket Size Media Player Projector
2009 Eurobike Award E-bike
2010 iF Product Design Award Catch
2010 iF Product Design Award Taichi vogue bag
2010 Reddot Design Award Automatic Fire Sprinkler featured with fluid-driven lighting and laser
2010 IDEA Silver Winner C2010R Automatic Fire Sprinkler
2011 iF Product Design Award Golden Fabric Garden
2011 iF Product Design Award Self-powered chlorine removal shower head
2011 iF Product Design Award Biodegradable PLA cutlery set
2011 Reddot Design Award Best of the best Ultra-light multi-material wrench
2011 Reddot Design Award X’Bag
2011 Reddot Design Award Luxifer
2010 Reddot Design Award Automatic Fire Sprinkler featured with fluid-driven lighting and laser
2010 IDEA Silver Winner C2010R Automatic Fire Sprinkler
2011 iF Product Design Award Golden Fabric Garden
2011 iF Product Design Award Self-powered chlorine removal shower head
2011 iF Product Design Award Biodegradable PLA cutlery set
2011 Reddot Design Award Best of the best Ultra-light multi-material wrench
2011 Reddot Design Award X’Bag
2011 Reddot Design Award Luxifer